





GLS Printing Business cards may be small but they have a big impact. Every person in your company uses them to represent themselves and your business. They serve as the welcome mat to your promotional door. That is a significant role and why a quality card is so important.

Design/Artwork must be provided by the customer. Please Download the Template below

Production Time: 4-6 Business days (Production time does not include shipping time)

Download Print template



  • Terms of Service:

    By selecting this checkbox, I hereby acknowledge and affirm that I have utilized the designated Template associated with this product and have adhered to the provided guidelines. Furthermore, I have meticulously verified the accuracy of spelling and content.

    I am completely content with the arrangement of the file, and I willingly assume full responsibility for any typographical errors or low-resolution files. Additionally, I am fully aware that if I wish to modify or edit my files after my order has been paid, a reprocessing fee will be applicable. It is also important for me to acknowledge that once my order has entered the printing stage, no further changes can be made. I acknowledge that all sales are final, and no refunds will be issued.

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